Pit Pals
The Pit Pals Program was developed as a blend of awareness, support and enhanced prevention for children who’s lives have been forever altered by domestic violence situations. All via an interaction with professional paintball athletes and mentors as role models, who are desperately needed as a positive influence. Youth who witness domestic violence or are victims of abuse themselves are at serious risk for long-term physical and mental health problems. Children who witness violence between parents may also be at greater risk of being violent in their future relationships.
These children are far more likely to repeat the cycle as adults by entering into abusive relationships or becoming abusers themselves. The Pit Pals program aims to steer youth away from these negative influences by providing a support platform utilizing paintball and professionals from the sport. This also includes an enhanced effort that provides training and knowledge features from playing the sport, safety, health/fitness, community and more.
Pit Pals however, is not directed only at youth who've been affected by domestic violence. Our passion for the sport, being parents and players alike, made it an easy decision to offer the program to all youth interested in paintball. Ally remembered aims to establish member chapters everywhere we can so all youth have access to tools that will build responsible players and enhance the future of the sport.
Pit Pals provides expert knowledge in areas like:
Player Safety
Game Rules
Health And Fitness
HPA Training And Certification
Player Skills
Referee Training
Pro Player Tips
Incentive Programs
Members have the ability to earn a variety of training certifications from industry leaders like Immortal Air and various health and scholastic awards. Certificates and special incentives are awarded for completion in each category as part of the program. In areas were available, ARF chapters support domestic violence affected youth players by offering special rates on field fees, paintballs and equipment through local resources. Tournament and scenario teams are also included and have additional requirements as members.
Program sponsors and partners include:
Destiny Paintball Organization
Painting The World One Kid At A time
Popular Unknown Paintball Podcast
Pit Pals online site coming soon.