Escalation Workshops
Ashley Doolittle Foundation presents

According to the CDC, more than 1 in 10 high school students experience physical relationship violence on an annual basis. This equates to more than 1.4 million teenagers in high school experiencing physical abuse from a dating partner each year - more than the entire populations of Denver and Colorado Springs combined! Yet, less than 1 in 5 parents see relationship violence as an issue.
The numbers only accelerate after graduation when many move on to further their education. Knowledge Networks' survey of college students found that more than 1 in 3 had experienced relationship violence - 57 percent of which said the abuse had occurred in college.
This can happen to anyone...arm yourself with information to help yourself or someone you know. Attend One Love's Escalation Workshop put on by the Ashley Doolittle Foundation on February 19th. You never know when you may need the information presented!
Join us for an engaging and emotional film-based discussion transforming the way students view and discuss relationship abuse. Come and see how YOU can help make a difference in your community and save a life!!
AUDIENCE - High school & college students, parents, educators, health providers, and anyone working with youth.
Students will receive either a free long sleeve t-shirt or a pop-socket (their choice) and a chance to win a $50 Visa Card.
PLEASE RSVP by FEB 17th to ashleydoolittlefoundation@gmail.com or text to 720-226-5402 or register below.